
PX250 Area and Flashlight



  • Chip on Board (C.O.B) technology means this headlamp can cast a wide beam, and is also handy for up-close work due to the strip of LEDs built right onto the chassis
  • Twist and open the flashlight to expose the LED, dual-colour strip in the center
  • Features COAST's Twist Focus system, making it easy to move between spot and flood beams by simply rotating the head of the flashlight
  • Ultra View Flood beam delivers edge-to-edge clarity in a broad circle of light up to 11.5 ft. (3.5 m) across, and the Bulls-Eye Spot beam sends a sharp ray of light at a distance of up to 663 ft. (202 m)
  • Features an emergency signalling tool


SKU: XI145


Sold in multiples of 1

Shipping & Returns

Shipping Weight (lbs): 0.88

This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.

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