
AED 3™ AED Kit with Carry Case, Automatic, French, Class 4 Each



Sold in multiples of 1

  • Zoll® Real CPR Help® offers rescuers unparalleled technology with integrated, real-time CPR feedback on both depth and rate of compressions
  • Zoll® Real CPR Help® can measure rescuer compressions and guides rescuers to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation's recommended 2" depth of compressions with voice and text prompts, in real-time, to "press harder" and follows with "good compressions" when the rescuer reaches the required depth
  • Both pads and batteries include a 5 year shelf life offering a low cost of ownership as well as simplified AED program management (less replacement cycles)
  • Delivers the shock automatically
  • Integrated pediatric rescue with the use of universal CPR Uni-Padz™ for both adult and pediatric rescues

Price CAD: $2,465.00

Shipping Weight (lbs): 11.288

This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.

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